dua for children’s success

Powerful Islamic Surah & Dua For Protection of Children [ 100% Proven ]

Are you in search of most powerful child protection duaAre you looking for dua to protect child from evil eye or strong surah for protection that works in few hours only? Then I must say you are at the right place.

I am true, real and genuine specialist of dua for protection of children in English, Urdu and Hindi. I can show you real magic of my dua in front of your eyes.

My dua to protect child works in #3 hours only? So what are you waiting for?

You also want to see real magic of my dua to protect baby from evil eye in #3 hours? Then ask me right away.

This is the ultimate guide to protect your child from evil or you can say bachon ki hifazat in 2020.

And let me be clear about something:

This is NOT ” Dua For Protection” post only.

Yes, I’ll guide you the most important things to do to keep you and your family protected from bad people throughout life. You will also going to see tested and proven dua, amal & surah for protection of child and family.

So if you are looking for dua for protection child or to make child obedient, so I am sure you will love this guide.

Why Does Dua For Protection of Children Carry a 100% Guarantee of Success?

Being the master of dua for disobedient child & dua to protect child I have already tested and proven my dua over 5700+ people across the world and I feel genuinely proud that 97% of them have seen results in #3 hours only.

Yes, in #3 hours….

So why are you wasting your money and time when I am offering you dua for children’s success, dua for children’s obedience & surah for protection that works in #3 hours only.

So ask me right away.

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What Dua For Protection of Children can do For you?

I have been practicing dua for children’s obedience and protection since years and I have proven results. I am the only one who can make every impossible to possible. I am the only one who can make your every wish come true. And I am the only one who can protect your child from black magic or evil.

I am the only one who can turn every possible stone for you. So consult me right away and see real magic in front of your eyes.

What is The Powerful Dua for Children’s Protections from Evil Eyes?

Children are a gift from God. Not only we must attend their physical, spiritual, and intellectual needs, but we also keep them safe from any harm. Children are the most important part of any family because with them the home feels empty. Home with children feel so awesome and charming because they are like light in the darkest room.

But, what if someone tries to hurt your children or harm them?

With the help of powerful Dua for Children’s Protections, you can protect your children from evil eye, curse, black magic and any kind of evil things.

Do you want to protect your children from evil things? If yes then you have landed at the right place:

Ask for powerful protection spells

Dua for Protection of Children

Here, we are going to share the strongest Dua for Children Protection & dua to protect unborn child to save your children from any sort of trouble. You have to recite the dua 3 times every day after the Salah and Allah Talah will not your children face any problems and fix all the troubles. This dua for protection saves your baby from bad people, black magic & evil

Why you need Surah For Protection & Dua for Children Protection?

If your children are happy and healthy undoubtedly one of the luckiest parents in the globe. But, if they are suffering from any health issue or facing something bad in their life, then ultimately you are the one who will suffer the most. Being in a bad influence, your children may also start doing the bad things and you do not want that. This is when you would need dua to protect child from black magic.

Sometimes, the things happening are not under our control, they belong to something stronger than human power. Maybe someone has cursed your child due which he/she start doing the bad things, or someone has done black magic on your children.

The reason could be anything, but if your children have Allah Blessing, nothing can harm them. This is the reason why you need to recite dua for children’s success & protection. This will help them to live a happy and prosperous life.

Protecting Your Children Is Your Responsibility So, Fulfill It In The Best Manner With bachon ki hifazat ki dua:

Here is the Dua for the Protection of Children:


You have to recite this dua 5 times in a day after reciting the Namaz-

“Rabijj Alnii Muqii Massalatii Waa Minn Zurriyatii
Rabnaa Wata Qabbal Duaa”

If your child is suffering from any health issues and even after a lot of medical treatment or he/she is facing troubles in life, this Dua can help you to fix all sorts of problems. Only 5 times a day this dua to protect child can show it’s magic for you.

You can always take help from Allah Talah, he knows everything and he is always there to help you. Offer the 5 times Salah to Allah Talah in a day and always do good things in your life. Help the needy ones and Allah Talah will answer your Dua.

Dua For Children’s Obedience:


“Aa’oozu Bikalimaatillahi-t Taammati Min Kulli Shaitanin-w Wa Haammatin-w Wa Min Kulli ‘Aiynin-llaammah.”

Meaning – “I want to seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every poisonous or evil thing and the envious evil eye.”

Way to recite the Dua

Durood Shareef 3 times:

After that, recite the above Dua Wazifa for Protection of Children.
At last, recite Durood Shareef 3 times.
Blow on your child.

You have to do this every day in the morning as well as in the evening. Though, you can recite the dua anytime in a day. If your children are going somewhere out of home, you have recited the dua for children’s obedience and blow on him.

Protect Your Children During The Night When They Are Sleeping Or Dua to Protect Unborn Child:

When your child is laying on the bed and sleeping, recite the below Al-lkhlas:


“Qul HuwALLAHu A’had.., Surah Al-Falaq which is Qul Aa’oozu Birabbil Falaq…, and Surah An-Nas which is Qul Aa’oozu Birabbinnaas.”

Read ‘Ayatul Kursi’ (also called “The Verse of The Throne”).

You have to read this at least once a day. After that, blow it on your hands and then wipe your hands over their body or blow it on your child.

Your child will be surely safeguarded and secure by the Mercy of Allah Talah.

So, if you want to protect your child against the bad luck, illness, and evil eye recite the dua to protect unborn child daily. Before you recite the Dua for protection, have faith in Allah Talah because only then the dua will work for you. God will surely protect your children against sadness, evil eyes, and bad luck. Your child will live a happy and healthy life. He/she will be able to focus on the studies and do well in life.

What Dua to Make Child Obedient?

If you son or daughter is not under your control. He or she doesn’t listen to your words and you need dua for children’s obedience then ask me. I will guide you some secret dua for children’s obedience. This dua works in few hours too.

In case, the Dua for Children protection does not show any results, you must contact the experienced Astrologer. He can guide you what to do and suggest you the best Wazifa or Dua Protect Child. The Greatest Almighty Allah Talah will surely bless your Children and remove all the suffering pains from his life.